Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ho Hum!

Ho Hum, I am so sleepy.  Tinker just cracks me up!  I was watching TV the other night and I looked over at Tinker and she looked like she was watching TV also, getting bored and about to doze off. 


Mari Meehan said...

Brings back fond memories of my Bacchus! Thanks for stopping by Dogwalk. I love blogs by folks who love their pets!

nan16 said...

Hope you don't mind if I add your blog to my list. I really enjoyed reading it.

Priss said...

LOL! She's so darned cute! That looks like all three of ours. They eat, take a trip outside, then all pile up on me in my chair. Gotta love 'em, though.

nan16 said...

Tinker just makes me laugh and I love her to death. She's super affectionate, you know it's just us girls, and she moves everywhere with me. If I'm on the computer she lays in the library so she can see me when I leave the room. She loves riding in the car. It's not often anymore that she gets on the bed, she would rather lay in front of the vent of the air conditioner. She needs a haircut really bad. I'll post another picture when she gets her haircut.